
the title - designs

Alright, I've finally gotten to the second part of the title of my blog - designs. As some of you may know, I am a web designer. I design basically anything you could see on the web - websites, e-newsletters, banner ads, blog templates, etc. I work for a company that has mostly agricultural clients, which feeds great into my degree in agricultural journalism. I started out in animal science (pre-vet) in college, then switched to ag j later (it's a long story - maybe I'll tell you some day ;) ).

Anyway, back to designs. As I said above, my job consists of designing things for the web, but as a creative chica I like to design lots of things! And I started this blog as a way to not only share the goings-on in my life, but also as a creative kick-start. A place to create outside of work :)

So, here's just a preview of things I've designed, for work and for myself:

Here are some sites I've worked on (keep in mind - agriculture = not the most cutting-edge/adventurous clients, but we try, haha).

and some banner ads (there are a million I have worked on, so here are just a couple I could find):
roundup powermax

and some fun stuff of my own:

placecards and menus for the wedding (i also designed the invites, painstakingly, but don't have a good pic of them right now).

my parents' 25th anniversary party invites and map (done with a cool embossing technique from Martha).

and my latest diy project - the jewelry tree, made from the branches I used for my parents' 25th anniversary party wish trees.

Well, I know that wasn't very exciting, but that's why I'm bound and determined to jump-start my creativity and make more things for myself. The things I enjoy designing the most are the things I am doing for people I love or for which I have total creative freedom. Hopefully I will be posting more of those types of things on here in the future!



Anonymous,  April 24, 2009 at 12:41 PM  

I've always been so jealous of how amazing your wedding was with all your creative juices!

nicky April 24, 2009 at 12:45 PM  

aww, thanks, brooke! i've always wished things had turned out exactly like i planned them to (like the invites - that was a nightmare!), but through that process have learned to just let some things go :)

thanks for the compliment!


Pamela April 24, 2009 at 12:50 PM  

i love your stuff. i'm a creative person at heart- photography is my outlet. :) i may be calling on you in the future.

Jennelle April 24, 2009 at 1:27 PM  

Wow, you're awesome! I'm the least creative person on the planet. But I love seeing what other people come up with!

nicky April 24, 2009 at 3:14 PM  

pam - please do! i have yet to do any real freelance work, but am definitely always looking for new and fun projects to challenge myself! and i too love photography - i love reading your and other budding photogs' blogs because they make me feel like i can take great photos someday, with lots of practice ;)


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