
the title - dreams

Now for the most difficult and complicated portion of the title explanation - dreams. Many of my dreams have already come true:

Getting to attend college and be a collegiate athlete

Graduating college

Getting a job with people I love, in a field I enjoy

Meeting and marrying the person who can make me laugh no matter what

Getting my very first dog of my own (hopefully twelve more will follow, hehe)

and living in a neighborhood that feels like home

Being young, I have still yet to fully visualize and set goals for all of my dreams, but there is one thing I have had a small taste of - and can't wait to get more...

Traveling! I have been to many states in the U.S. while traveling for gymnastics and diving meets; traveled abroad to England, France, Italy and Spain with my best friend; vacationed in Mexico; and most recently have literally gone to the other side of the world - Beijing!!!

My and K's honeymoon was a trip to Beijing for the Olympics. We mainly went to watch our friend compete for the U.S. Wrestling Team. But, while we were there, we saw so much more - Tienanmen Square, the Forbidden City, the Great Wall, silk markets, and amazing food! Some day I'll do an entire post on Beijing (maybe a few), but here are some photos to tide you over, for now :)

So, here's to much more traveling, many more dogs, and countless laughs... those are my dreams.



Pamela May 22, 2009 at 5:23 PM  

those are wonderful dreams.

Emily May 22, 2009 at 5:40 PM  

Great dreams...it's awesome you can say you've already accomplished so much!

LC May 28, 2009 at 1:43 PM  

Hey Nicky! Mike and I just bought the Cannon Rebel Xsi. We love it so far!

I have a question for you too. I love your blog layout with big pictures. Where can I find that layout? Can you upload your picture through blogger or do you need to put them to Flicker or something first?

Angie June 19, 2009 at 9:44 PM  

I love those pix of China. I love to travel too. You've been to some awesome places already. I can't wait to accomplish some more of my own goals.

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