
the title

OK, so yes, I've started a blog. When thinking of a name for my blog, it really didn't take too long to come up with one. I just thought of all the things that I love and that bring joy and passion to my life.

First up is dogs. I LOVE DOGS!!! I don't think there is one dog in the world that I would not walk up to and pet and say silly "doggy woggy" things to :) My mom always told me that one day I would get my face eaten by one - well, I've still got my face, so I still love every dog! Here are the dogs of my life:

Honey was my first dog. We got her when I was about 11 or 12, I think. She was the sweetest (albeit, very vocal) dog ever (I say that about almost all my dogs). One of the things I remember most about her is taking her to the vet. She would lay on the floor and just moan and moan - everybody thought she was growling, but she was actually doing a kind of dog purring! We had to put her to sleep while I was in college. I made sure to come home for the weekend so we could all be with her when she went. When we got to the vet's office, though, my dad and I couldn't stand to be in the room with her. So, my mom, sister and aunt all sat in the room while she fell asleep for the last time; and my dad and I held each other, crying in the waiting room.

OK, now on to the dogs that are alive (sorry for the tear-jerking story above)!

Above are Molly and Izzy. Molly is a Lhasa Apso, and we got her when Honey was about 5 or 6. Molly loved to chase Honey all around the yard and nip at her heels (one of the causes of Honey's hip dysplasia). She also loves to sit on my Dad's lap in his chair and growl at Izzy as she walks by or even if she does nothing at all. Molly is a very good guard dog, if only she were bigger than 15 pounds ;)

Izzy is about 2 1/2 years old. We got her from a family that found some stray puppies out in the country near my and my sister's high school. The family got the dog for their son, but he decided he didn't want her, so we convinced my mom to let us surprise our dad with her. My dad was somewhat hesitant to get another dog since Honey had passed (it had been about a year), but he was done the second we shoved Izzy onto his chest. "Awwwww, she's soooo cute!" (yes, actual quote from my softie-for-dogs dad).

And, finally, my very first dog of my own - Loki :)

We got Loki from a family friend of ours, half off (as a wedding gift)! My husband has never had a dog and I was worried that the hair and drool would be too much for him... but he has fallen head over heels for her! Loki's name was something we thought we made up, meant to poke fun at how she would plop down on the floor after playing for 5 minutes (low-key). However, when we looked it up to see if it actually meant something, we found that it was the name of the Norse God of mischief! She definitely grew into that part of her name quickly! She loves laying on the couch and bed, but gets off when we tell her to; loves to tear up empty paper towel and toilet paper rolls, but doesn't chew up our shoes; and has the shiniest, most beautiful black coat, but rolls in the dirt whenever she can. She's our baby-dog :)

Ok, well, I think I've written enough for ten posts (give me a break, I'm just starting). So, I will leave you with dogs, for now, and pick up with designs next time!



Emily April 20, 2009 at 2:21 PM  

Welcome to the blogging world! Cute puppy. =-)

Trisha April 20, 2009 at 3:35 PM  

Welcome. I can't wait to read more! :)

Your puppies (all of them) are SO cute!!

I can't wait to hear more about the rest of your title too!

P.S. It worked this time! ;)

Stephanie April 20, 2009 at 11:21 PM  

Welcome to the blogosphere! So far, so good!

Emily April 22, 2009 at 5:24 PM  

I tagged you on my blog!

Mary I April 23, 2009 at 3:25 PM  

I'm pretty much the same way about cats--I haven't had my face scratched off by one yet so I'll still pet them all. :-)

Very sweet pics of your puppy!

Diane Sease April 23, 2009 at 4:07 PM  

i am a huge dog lover too!! they are all so cute! ; )

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